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Page history last edited by deb davis 9 years, 3 months ago


Liberty EdD Overview  


EDUC 758 --  Teaching the College Student


Summer 2015 (5/11-7/2/2015)

Instructor ajmclemore@liberty.edu



Joyner et al., Writing the Winning Thesis or Dissertation (2012).

Kanar, The Confident Student (2014).

Nilson, Teaching at its Best (2010).

Van Brummelen, Walking with God in the Classroom (2009)



www.LiveText.com membership: This is a website for portfolio development and the submission of major course assignments. A one-time purchase is required for all students in the Education program. ISBN: 9780979663567.

A personal Bible (version of choice)


Course Schedule


EDUC 771


Module  Reading  Assignments  Points 

11-17 May

Nilson: chs. 1–11

Van Brummelen: chs. 1–2

1 presentation

5 websites


Course Requirements Checklist

Class Introductions  EDUC758 Class Introduction - DebDavis.docx

DB Forum 1  DBF1 -- very good advice.docx





18-24 May

Joyner et al.: ch. 3

Kanar: chs. 1–6, 13

Van Brummelen: ch. 3

1 presentation

4 websites


DB Forum 2   DBF2 -- skills confidence and emotional intelligence.docx

Support Services Report  Support Services.pub 

student support services brochure_Davis.pptx






25-31 May

Nilson: chs. 13–18, 20

Van Brummelen: ch. 4

1 presentation 2 websites


Final Project: Part 1

 Final Project part 1-Davis.docx



1-7 June

Joyner et al: chs. 4–5

Kanar: chs. 8–9

Van Brummelen: chs. 5–6

1 presentation


Article Critique

trends in christian higher education.pdf

Working == >> Article Critique-1.docx



8-14 June

Nilson: chs. 12, 19, 21–26

Van Brummelen: ch. 7

1 presentation 5 websites


DB Forum 3  DBF3 -- prepare.docx

Final Project: Part 2  Final Project part 2-Davis.docx

Research Strategies Plan_DebDavis.docx

Final Project part 2-AND-Research Strategies-DebDavis.docx




15-21 June

Nilson: chs. 27–32

Van Brummelen: ch. 8

1 presentation


Syllabus Critique  Syllabus Critique Davis.docx   EDUC758_Sample_Course_Syllabus_edited_by_Deb Davis.pdf



22-28 June

Kanar: chs. 7, 11

Van Brummelen: ch. 9

1 presentation


Final Project: Part 3

Final Project part 3-Davis-Script.docx

Final Project part 3-Davis.pptx



29 June-2 July

Joyner et al.: chs. 15–16

1 presentation 2 websites


DB Forum 4  DBF4 -- Assessment - Interviews.docx

Course Reflection






    TOTAL 966/1010

 NOTE:  Each course module/week begins on Monday morning at 12:00 a.m. (ET) and ends on Sunday night at 11:59 p.m. (ET). The final module/week ends at 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Friday.


Discussion Board Forums (4): There will be 4 Discussion Board Forums throughout this course. The candidate is required to create a thread in response to the provided topic for each forum. Each thread must be 300 words and demonstrate course-related knowledge. In addition to the thread, the candidate is required to reply to 2 other classmates’ threads. Each reply must be 150 words.


Support Services Report: The candidate will research the support services available at a college for students and instructors. The candidate will develop a list, table, or brochure of services, contact persons, contact numbers, and description of services available.



Article Critique: The candidate will research and select 1 article written 5 years ago or less that details the current trends in college teaching or challenges facing college students today. The candidate will briefly summarize the article and offer a critique of the article. This assignment must be 2–3 pages.


Syllabus Critique: The candidate will examine the sample syllabus provided. Based on knowledge of college learners acquired in the course, the candidate will determine if the syllabus meets the needs of college students. The candidate will also suggest at least 5 research-based strategies for improvement. This assignment must be 2–3 pages




Final Project: Part 1: The candidate will conduct an interview with a current college professor (other than the instructor for this course). The candidate will create 5 questions to ask the college professor and, in addition, ask him or her about specific strategies that help college students manage their time, their life, and their studies. These findings will be included in Part 2 of the Final Project. This assignment must be 3–5 pages.



Final Project: Part 2: Clergy and Counselor Interview: The candidate will interview 1 member of the clergy and 1 professional counselor who both work with college students. Include the questions and a summary of the responses from each interview in a 3–5-page paper. In the interview, the candidate will focus on asking questions to gain a better understanding of the emotional, psychological, and spiritual needs of college students. The interview will be added as an appendix for Final Project: Part 3.

Research Strategies Plan: The candidate will research strategies for self-management, time management, and learning for college students. Incorporating the information gained through research and the previous interviews, the candidate will create a plan to meet the emotional, psychological, and spiritual needs of college students. This assignment must be 6–8 pages and requires 5 citations in current APA formatting.


Final Project: Part 3: The candidate will create a PowerPoint presentation for college students, teaching them time management, learning strategies, and self-management, incorporating information from Parts 1–2 of the Final Project. Additionally, the candidate must type the script for a 30-minute presentation to college students, incorporating the sources previously used in Parts 1–2 of the Final Project and adding at least 2 additional sources



Course Reflection: The candidate will complete a 300-word essay reflecting on his or her experience in the course. The reflection must answer the questions posed in the assignment instructions.





Textbooks:  APA, Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (Current).

Writing Winning Thesis or Dissertation3RD 13EditionTHIS ITEM ISREQUIRED

Confident Student8TH 14EditionTHIS ITEM ISREQUIRED

Teaching at Its Best3RD 10EditionTHIS ITEM ISREQUIRED

Walking With God in the Classroom3RD 09EditionTHIS ITEM ISREQUIRED


Discussion Board Prompts:


Introduce yourself to the class in this forum by submitting a thread containing the following information: 

  • Where you live (state or country only) 
  • Degree you are pursuing 
  • Current job 
  • Family, hobbies/interests, and anything else you want to share about yourself 
  • What you would like to learn from this course 


FORUM 1: Suppose you have been asked for advice by a newly-hired instructor who has never taught a college-level course. If you could only recommend 1 chapter from the reading assigned for this module/week, which chapter would you choose?  

In your thread, write 2 paragraphs. In the first paragraph, support your choice of the 1 chapter as more beneficial than any of the other chapters, and, for the second paragraph, provide an overview of the material in that chapter that would be most important to a first-time college instructor.  

Your thread is due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Thursday of Module/Week 1, and replies are due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of the same assigned module/week. 



Read the assigned text chapters and browse The Confident Student textbook website. Choose the Skill Finder under General Resources in the left-hand menu and answer all questions in the exercise. Then explore the articles in the Confidence Builder Library. 

In your thread, write 2 paragraphs; in the first paragraph, describe your reaction to the Skill Finder exercise and, in the second, choose 1 article in the Confidence Builder Library for this forum.

Your thread is due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Thursday of Module/Week 2, and replies are due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of the same assigned module/week. 



Browse the external links provided in the Reading & Study folder of Module/Week 5. Choose 1 link and explore the resources available on the website you have chosen. 

In your thread, write 2 paragraphs: 

  1. Provide an overall description of the articles/resources available on the website you have chosen.
  2. Choose 1 article/resource on the selected website and detail the article/resource. 

Your thread is due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Thursday of Module/Week 5, and replies are due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of the same assigned module/week. 



Browse the 2 assessment websites provided below, then choose 1 and explore the resources available on the website you have chosen: 


Write 2 paragraphs: 


  1. Provide an overall description of the assessment resources available on the website you have chosen.
  2. Choose 1 assessment resource on the selected website and describe the assessment in detail. 

Your thread is due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Thursday of Module/Week 8, and replies are due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Friday of the same assigned module/week.




Link here to:  Liberty EdD Overview

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