Liberty EdD Overview
EDUC 817 -- Qualitative methods of research
Summer 2015
Dr. Randy Tierce ==>> ==>> (940) 441-2DRT
American Psychological Association. Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (Current ed.). Washington, DC: Author.
Creswell, J. W. (2013). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five approaches (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications, Inc. ISBN: 9781412995306. membership: This is a website for portfolio development and the submission of major course assignments. A one-time purchase is required for all students in the Education program. ISBN: 9780979663567.
A personal Bible (version of choice)
Course Schedule
EDUC 817
Textbooks: Creswell, Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design (2013).
APA, Publication of the American Psychological Association.
DB = Discussion Board
NOTE: Each course module/week begins on Monday morning at 12:00 a.m. (ET) and ends on Sunday night at 11:59 p.m. (ET). The final module/week ends at 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Friday.
Course Requirements Checklist: After reading the Course Syllabus and Student Expectations, the student will complete the related checklist found in Module/Week 1.
Class Introductions: In Module/Week 1, the candidate will create a brief personal biography introducing himself/herself to the instructor and to the rest of the class. This brief biography must include the degree that the candidate is pursuing and the candidate’s current job. The candidate may add any other details that he/she wishes.
Discussion Board Forums (7): Discussion boards are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, the candidate will complete Discussion Board Forums in 2 parts. First, the candidate must submit a thread in response to the provided prompt. Then, the candidate must reply to the threads of 2 classmates. EDUC817_Discussion_Board_Grading_Rubric.doc EDUC817_Discussion_Board_Instructions.doc
Reading Summary: The candidate will have the opportunity to practice his/her APA writing and formatting skills through composing clear and concise chapter summaries for his/her assigned reading that module/week. The summaries must follow the format provided in the course and must clearly reflect current APA style and writing. EDUC817_Reading_Summary_Example.doc EDUC817_Reading_Summary_Instructions_and_Grading_Rubric.docx
Research Plan Overviews: Throughout the course, the candidate will build a preliminary research plan that will submitted in 4 different stages. Once completed, this plan will be the template for the final research prospectus.817_Research_Plan_Overview_Instructions.doc 817_Research_Plan_Overview_Template.doc 817
Five Approaches Table: The candidate will complete a chart that will allow him/her to define, explain, and discuss 5 major qualitative research methods. EDUC817_Five_Approaches_Table_Template.doc EDUC817_Five_Approaches_Table_Grading_Rubric.doc
Article Critiques (2): The candidate will read and critique an article based on the information provided in Chapter 5 and the appendices of the textbook. The critique must be a doublespaced review of the study’s purpose, theory, methods, and major findings. Both critiques must also follow current APA style and must match the formatting guidelines provided. EDUC817_Article_Critique_Instructions.doc EDUC817_Article_Critique_Grading_Rubric.doc
Field Notes Interviews: The candidate will practice collecting data in the field through conducting 2 interviews with individuals who have earned a doctorate degree in the field of education. Each interview must be kept at about a 1-hour time limit and must be audio recorded for official transcription, which will be submitted. An interview template is provided with a detailed list of questions. EDUC817_Field_Notes_Interviews_Grading_Rubric.docx EDUC817_Field_Notes_Interviews_Instructions.doc EDUC817_Field_Notes_Interviews_Templates.docx
Research Prospectus: The candidate will prepare a Research Prospectus based on his/her research plan, reading, and coursework. A draft of the Research Prospectus will be submitted through the Research Prospectus Draft Check SafeAssign link. SafeAssign is a plagiarism detection tool that will allow the candidate to view the originality reports for his/her papers and make revisions as necessary before the final version is due. Research_Prospectus_Grading_Rubric.docx EDUC817_Research_Prospectus_Design_Examples.doc EDUC817_Research_Prospectus_APA_Worksheet.doc
discussion board Details:
THREAD: For each forum, submit a thread in response to the topic prompt provided. Your thread must contain 200–250 words. This limit promotes writing that is thorough yet concise enough to permit your classmates to read all the threads. Each thread must adhere to current APA writing guidelines and any references included in the thread must be formatted in current APA style. Since this is a personal discussion, you are allowed to use first person perspective; however, you must maintain professional decorum in all your submissions. Each thread must be submitted to the appropriate Discussion Board Forum by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Thursday of the module/week it is assigned.
REPLIES: After reading all of your classmates’ threads, you must submit replies to the required number stated in each forum prompt. Your replies must be at least 100 words each. All replies must adhere to current APA writing guidelines. Replies to your classmates’ threads must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of each assigned module/week.
Link here to: Liberty EdD Overview
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