
EDCI 6606 Front Page

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M Ed Front Page  



EDCI6606-51 Teachers as Leaders

Sturgeon, Douglas A

13/20 Open

T  05:00-07:30PM (03/29/2011 - 04/29/2011) 

3.00 03/29/2011 04/29/2011

1)      Crowther, F., Ferguson, M., & Hann, L. (2009). Developing Teacher Leaders: How Teacher Leadership Enhances School Success. Thousand Oaks, California. Corwin Press.

2)      Gabriel, J. G.. (2005). How to Thrive as a Teacher Leader. Association for Supervisions and Curriculum Development.


Location   Session Info 

Assignment details and attached response



independent  book response.docx  

Respond to online assignment response questions to How to thrive as a teacher leader 

 davis book response to how to thrive.docx




independent  Ten Tips for Teaching Those Chicks.docx

Develop teacher tips tool sheet for first year survival -- Ten Teacher Tips tips.docx

ten teaching tips!.docx



independent  manke - it was different then.pdf  

Read & Respond to “Oh it was different then!”  Case Stories of Unsought Change in the Lives of Three Retired Elementary School Teachers”  Respond to it with your own plan to implement unsought change as a result of your teaching  ==>>davis - response to Manke.docx




live at 5!


PD needs


Dr S says to review the link (above) and be prepared to discuss. 


Research an area of Professional Development that is needed by you and your colleagues and provide a written rationale for its use in your setting (standardization of ENGL1101 reqts)




on campus

live at 5!


results mtg

Plan and conduct one results-oriented staff meeting focusing on school improvement for your colleagues in the course

 -- round table for positive constructs.  Back it up with data.  Tell what is happening well here!  ==>>staff_dev.pptx



Capstone Questionnaire grad q response.docx



Capstone Review


Present a 5-7 minute overview of your Capstone Project with accompanying power point at 5:00 in the teacher education building  


After serious reflection on your own professional practice., develop a one year professional development plan including personal goal(s), trainings, & self evaluation strategies personal PD.docx



“Preparing Learner-Centered Inquiring Professionals”

Shawnee State University

Department of Teacher Education

EDCI 6606 Teachers as Leaders

Time: Tuesday,  5-7:20                         Location: TBA


Dr. Doug Sturgeon                                                     

Associate Professor of Education                                          

Teacher Education Building                                                                                                               dsturgeon@shawnee.edu                                                       

Office Hours:    1/10/11-3/11/11   Tuesday:  12:30-1:00 & 3:30-5:00

                                                            Wednesday: 2:00-3:00

                                                            Thursday:   12:00-1:00

Office Hours:   3/12/11-5/1/11   Tuesday:  12:30-3:30

                                                         Wednesday: 2:30-3:00

                                                         Thursday:   12:00-12:30


Course Description:

Explores ways of transforming teachers to instructional leaders through understanding various leadership roles and skills for supporting effective student learning and development 


Course Objectives:

By the end of the semester, the candidates will be able to demonstrate the mastery of

a)      The Domains of Leadership Knowledge

b)      Roles of Teacher Leaders

c)      A language for Leader learning

d)     Planful Learning

e)      Cultivate Relationships that Mobilize: Interpersonal Learning

f)       The Essence of Intrapersonal Learning

g)      Ability to Reflect and make sense of the evidence

h)      Understand the Condition of Learning Conditions


By the end of the semester, the candidates will be able to

a)      Design a plan to lead, a plan to learn, and a plan to reflect

b)      Partner with a learning team and act as a facilitator and a coach

c)      Build relationships to make meaningful change



Alignment of Learning Outcomes NBPTS, ESB and SSU Conceptual Framework:

The learning outcomes of EDUC 6606 – Teachers as Leadersis well-aligned to NBPT Standards, Ohio Teacher Standards, NCATE Standard I, and SSU Unit Candidates Performance Goals.  Specifically, EDCI 6606 has met NBPT Standard V: Teachers are members of Learning Community), Ohio Teacher Standards: Collaboration and Communication and Professional Responsibility and Teacher Growth, NCATE Standard I (Advanced Level) for Professional Dispositions: Teacher candidates are familiar with the professional dispositions delineated in professional, state, and institutional standards,  and the SSU Unit Candidates Performance Goals – Domain 5: The SSU teacher candidate practices professionalism.


Course Requirements:                                                                                              Points Possible

1) Plan and conduct one results-oriented staff meeting focusing on school improvement for your colleagues in the course                     200


3)  Research an area of Professional Development that is needed by you and your colleagues and provide a written rationale for its use in your setting    100

4)  Develop teacher tips tool sheet for first year survival                                                                                 100

               opening draft options =>Tips and Tricks for Teaching those Chicks.docx

5)  Read & Respond to “Oh it was different then!”  Case Stories of Unsought Change in the Lives of Three Retired Elementary School Teachers” 

      Respond to it with your own plan to implement unsought change as a result of your teaching—completed by 4/12/11

                               =>davis - response to Manke.docx

6)  Respond to online assignment response questions to How to thrive as a teacher leader (4/5/11)            200

      questions =>book response.docx

7)  Complete capstone project questionnaire for program feedback                                                                50

8)  Final Exam Options

            1.  After serious reflection on your own professional practice.,

                 develop a one year professional development plan including personal goal(s), trainings, & self evaluation strategies—due 4/26/11


            2.  On April 26, 2011  Present a 5-7 minute overview of your Capstone Project with accompanying power point at 5:00 in the teacher education building



Grading Scales:

94+ % = A       90+ % = A-     

87+ % = B+     84+ % = B       80+ % = B-     

77+ % = C+     74+ % = C       70+ % = C-     

67+ % = D+    64+ % = D     60+ % = D-

69 % or below = F


Technology Used to Impact Candidates Learning

To enhance student learning outcomes, each candidate must have access to TK 20, computer lab, CMC, library/Ohio link, and other online resources.  Microsoft Work, Power Point, Excel are expected to use while completing assignments or projects.


Appendix A                Policy of Attendance/Preparation/Assignments & Late Assignments


1)      Attendance/Tardiness -- Attendance and punctuality for this class are expected and required. Remember, it is your responsibility to complete and turn in the assignment due on that particular day unless it is indicated as no make-up.  Conflicts in scheduling connected to other courses or official university activities must be cleared in advance with appropriate documentation.  Tardiness can also incur a deduction of points from the final grade. Two times of tardiness will automatically result in one absence. 


2)      Preparation – The teacher candidates are highly expected to arrive for class prepared, having completed all written and reading assignments, and prepared to participate in classroom discussions.


3)      Assignments/Late Assignments -- All written work is to be submitted typewritten [all students have access to computers and printers in the Technology Center]. Microsoft Word is the preferred method of submission of material via electronic format. Please make sure that your name appears as part of the header for each paper, submit your papers with a cover sheet, and be sure that all paperwork is stapled. Correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling are expected for written work submitted. Proper oral and written communication skills are essential when presenting coursework and working in field experiences. The Shawnee State University Education Department requires APA (5th edition) format style for all formal papers submitted. 


4)      Plagiarism – Academic honesty is expected throughout the course.  No plagiarism will be allowed with any of the assignments.  Once detected, the candidate will not only fail the course but also be removed from the program according to the policy indicated in Shawnee State University Student Conduct Code. (A-5, p. 2).


All teacher education candidates are held to the department expectations as specified in the Teacher Education Handbook.



Appendix B                University Disability Statement


ADA Compliance Committee ADA STATEMENT (2009):

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 as amended in 2008 require Shawnee State University to provide reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities which would not compromise the integrity of the academic program. Students seeking accommodations must meet with the Coordinator of Disability Services, Student Success Center, Massie Hall, 740-351-3276. After meeting with the Coordinator, students are required to meet with their instructors to discuss the student’s needs related to their disabilities. If a student chooses not to make a timely request for disability accommodations and/or fails to meet with the Coordinator of Disability Services and the professor, no disability accommodation(s) will be provided.




A copy of “Oh it was different then” will be provided. 

April 5—discussion of Waiting for Superman—Eluminate

April 12--



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