
Step 9:  Analyze and correct

Page history last edited by deb davis 15 years, 4 months ago


The most important thing to remember at this point, 

is that "Writing is a Circular Process!"

The author composes, compiles, reads, reviews, rewrites, compiles, etc.


Go back to:  Step 8: Draft 2

Go back to:  Step 7: Reviews

Go back to:  Step 6: Draft 1

Go back to:  Step 5: Composite

Go back to:  Step 4: Annotated Bibliography

Go back to:  Step 3: Draft a thesis or two for most likely topic

Go back to:  Step 2: Narrow to the most likely topics

Go back to:  Step 1 - Consider possible subjects

Go back to:  Introduction to a Research Paper

Go onward to:   Step 10: Print and Submit!


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