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Step 5:  Composite

Page history last edited by deb davis 13 years, 3 months ago


Composite is when the Annotated Bibliography turns into a draft.

This is almost like an outline. 

During this process, the author organizes thoughts and places them in order. 

For some, this is litterally taking an outline and cutting and pasting the elements together. 

This composite is a virtual collage of thoughts and ideas.


Do not be fooled into thinking that research is complete at this point!

However, this is where the "Rule of Threes" comes into play!



Go back to:  Step 4: Annotated Bibliography

Go back to:  Step 3: Draft a thesis or two for most likely topic

Go back to:  Step 2: Narrow to the most likely topics

Go back to:  Step 1 - Consider possible subjects

Go back to:  Introduction to a Research Paper

Go onward to:  Step 6: Draft 1


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