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Step 4:  Annotated Bibliography

Page history last edited by deb davis 11 years, 7 months ago


This page is not about doing the research.  There are as many ways to research as there are people who do so!  Your reference Librarian would be happy to help you learn about research methods. 


The Annotated Bibliography is a tool to allow students to explore resources which may or may not be of use in their papers.  This carefully formatted document will provide detailed citations, as well as a summary of the contents befitting the citation, and an analysis of the usefulness of the text.  Often overlooked, the annotated bibliography is a critical piece of the process.  Another tool that may be useful would be Research NotesWhen working with field research, there are more factors to consider.


It is CRITICAL that this be prepared in the format required by the professor.  For this instance, the use of MLA 7.0 citation formatting will be represented.





NOTE that after the heading, the title is centered, and stated as "Annotated Bibliography."

The citations are alphabetical using hanging indents.  The Summary sections use first line indents.  The entirety is in double space, standard font. 


During this process, the student explores resources, and may find a desire to change gopics based on the research discovered. 



Go back to:  Step 3: Draft a thesis or two for most likely topic

Go back to:  Step 2: Narrow to the most likely topics

Go back to:  Step 1 - Consider possible subjects

Go back to:  Introduction to a Research Paper

Go onward to:  Step 5: Composite


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