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Introduction to a Research Paper

Page history last edited by deb davis 15 years ago

In the course of English 1101, the students are required to go through a detailed process of developing a research paper.  The first paper is an information paper.  The second is a persuasive paper.  There will be a series of requirements, and procedures for each of them. [1]


Before beginning any paper, it is important to review the requirements for the paper.  What kind of paper is to be written?  How many resources are required, and what type?  Is it a brief paper?  What format should be used -- MLA/APA/CSE?


Each step, as listed below, is a link to an explanation of the process. 

Each step will provide specific details. 

Consider the following timeline.

Paper due - present = number of workdays.

Plan each step at 10% of workdays. 

The steps presume the requirements have been noted.




Step 1 - Consider possible subjects





Step 2: Narrow to the most likely topics




Step 3: Draft a thesis or two for most likely topic




Step 4: Annotated Bibliography

Step 5: Composite



Step 6: Draft 1

Step 7: Reviews




Step 8: Draft 2

Step 9: Analyze and correct



Step 10: Print and Submit!





Link here to: FrontPage

Link here to: Introduction to a Research Paper

These steps will help!

Go to:  Introduction to a Research Paper

Go to:  Step 1 - Consider possible subjects

Go to:  Step 2: Narrow to the most likely topics

Go to:  Step 3: Draft a thesis or two for most likely topic

Go to:  Step 4: Annotated Bibliography

Go to:  Step 5: Composite

Go to:  Step 6: Draft 1

Go to:  Step 7: Reviews

Go to:  Step 8: Draft 2

Go to:  Step 9: Analyze and correct 

Go to:  Step 10: Print and Submit!



You are the  visitor! 


  1. Note that this information is provided for use and resource of students to Shawnee State University English 1101 classes taught by Deborah R. Davis. Her work is presented in a format that depicts her desire for her students to proceed in a certain pattern. It is NOT the ONLY WAY to write a research paper!

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